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Some brief news on the existence of the world
Marcus Lontra

Art Critic and Art Historian

... there is, among all the things in this world that are called concrete, a real commitment to tradition. It is all about establishing a constant dialogue with craft, with the noise of the workrooms, the essential instrument of making, the matter, the plate, the act of grinding wheat, of making bread, of developing the art matter in between the silences, lapses, absences, time that operates, that transforms and ends up giving sense to the old and the new, permanence and Life…

... there is, among all the ideas in this world that are called abstract, a commitment with the landscape, with the Being that surrounds and justifies us, with the true essence of the biblical landscape, ideal place, paradise of happiness, landscape that passes by both time and space, that states art as an enchanted arena for man and his lions, his desires, his wishes, his sins, his crimson apples and his serpents, his fears, his Truth…

... there is, among the the caves of the world, one wish to rebuild its own memory, to transform this absent, ethereal matter into a definite form, into reason, into principle: the past is a source, a gush, a treasure and an inspiration. Along many paths, through many castles I carry my calvary, calcinate my skeleton, burn my flesh and corporate the real through these residues, these fragments, these rests, this Dust…

…there is, among the mirrors of the world, a wish to remake its lost image, more austere, more sublime, more complete, a commitment of art to believe itself the perennial companion of man in its noblest principles. Because of this we make, we idealize, around the world we live in, for the world we create, the eternal wish to amplify horizons, reflect and amplify the real, recreate, remake, transform Life…

... there is, in the work of Marcelo Moscheta, a certain intention of valuing non-temporal aspects present in the artistic composition. He knows that art is more than the bridge – it is the crossing. That´s why his images have the pain of the elements that chase integrity, and it is also why they establish a poetics structured from a process in which ‘thought’ and ‘making’ intelligently and sensitively articulate.

... there is, in these powerful images, the idea of building an organized body from modulation in which all the parts articulate for the creation of a coherent language, clearly choosing artistic identity, and thus refusing some sort of speed of anonymity that characterizes a great part of contemporary production. The rhythm of this artist´s works is dictated by the placid and sublime exigence of his sight

... there is, among so many crises, so much hysteria, the inexorable belief in the fundamental values that base the artistic activity. The work gets inspiration from the images provided by time, feeds upon the memory that moves along the internal and external landscapes of the world, inhales the winds of freedom and praises the imminence of eternity. Everything conspires in favor of the subversive character of stories and the extraordinary strength of remembrances.

... there is, in the whereabouts of so much absence, space for that which comes from the entrails of man, which springs into existence from the center of the earth, that arises from the mysterious waters. Among the ‘sleepwalkers at the museums’, the work of Marcelo Moscheta does not refuse the powerful force of identity, of the ‘body’ in its most comprehensive and poetic meaning. Like an ancient caravel which sails across the seas of our childhood, it lies powerfully and beautifully on my enchanted retinas.