Le cabinet du bois brésilien
monoprint with carbon copy paper on etching and stamp
40 x 40 cm each
The artist is someone who proposes to rename things and relationships that exist in the world, according to other criteria than those of nature and culture already predetermined.
In this series, the artist's fascination for cataloging the world is explored by portraying sixty species of Brazilian trees. The blue carbon paper, which gives the trees artificiality and strangeness, is characteristic of old binders. Blue trees against the gray background of intaglio, become one and repeated melancholic landscape. They have the same horizon line to show unity. Finally, form a picture of the world out of sight.
In this series, the artist's fascination for cataloging the world is explored by portraying sixty species of Brazilian trees. The blue carbon paper, which gives the trees artificiality and strangeness, is characteristic of old binders. Blue trees against the gray background of intaglio, become one and repeated melancholic landscape. They have the same horizon line to show unity. Finally, form a picture of the world out of sight.
Le cabinet du bois brésilien
monotipia com papel carbono sobre gravura em metal e carimbo
40 x 40 cm cada
O artista é alguém que se propõe a renomear as coisas e as relações que existem no mundo, segundo outros critérios que não os da natureza e da cultura já preestabelecida.
Nesta série, o fascínio do artista pela catalogação do mundo é explorado ao retratar sessenta espécies de árvores brasileiras. O azul do papel carbono, que confere estranhamento e artificialidade às árvores, é característico de fichários antigos. As árvores azuis, contra o fundo cinza da gravura em metal, tornam-se uma melancólica e repetida paisagem. Têm a mesma linha de horizonte a lhes dar base. Por fim, formam um retrato do mundo a perder de vista.